Tuesday, April 30, 2013

7 Ways to Cut Your Diabetes Risk

Defend yourself against prediabetes and diabetes type 2 by sticking to these lifestyle habits, like lifting weights and getting a good night's sleep.

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

Upping your lean muscle mass could lower your insulin resistance and drop your odds of developing prediabetes, according to a new study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Researchers found that for every 10 percent increase in muscle mass, people's prediabetes risk fell by 12 percent. Build three days of resistance training into your weekly fitness plan, says Sheri Colberg-Ochs, Ph.D., a professor of exercise science at Old Dominion University. And aim for at least two and a half hours a week of glucose-burning cardio activity such as running, cycling, or swimming.

The pros and cons of cardio versus weight lifting: Which is better for you?

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

Long-term sleep deprivation may amp up the body's insulin resistance, especially in people genetically predisposed to diabetes. A preliminary University of Chicago study found that those who regularly snoozed fewer than six hours a night were at the highest risk. Try to get at least seven hours of shut-eye each evening.

10 Sleep Myths Busted

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

The rough stuff isn't just good for digestion?it also curbs post-meal sugar spikes by slowing down the flow of glucose into the bloodstream. So when you crave something sweet, opt for fiber-rich fruit such as raspberries or pears. And consider adding brown rice to your diet: Eating two or more servings a week lowers diabetes risk by 11 percent, says an Archives of Internal Medicine study.

Win The Fight Against Diabetes With Food

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

Chronic stress is a risk factor for many major diseases, including diabetes. "When your body senses stress, it releases hormones that increase blood sugar," says Colberg-Ochs. That rush is beneficial in a pinch but dangerous long-term. Regularly practicing deep breathing or meditation, listening to calming music, or getting massages can quell stress hormones and help lower overall blood sugar, she says. 31 Relaxation Techniques to Relieve Stress in Less Than 10 Minutes http://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/relax-instantly?cm_mmc=ABCNews-_-Top%205-_-7%20Ways%20To%20Cut%20Diabetes%20Risk-_-Destress%2031%20Ways%20To%20Relax

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

The omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like oily fish (wild salmon, sardines) can help improve insulin sensitivity. Nosh on at least one serving of such seafood a week.

The Supplement That Will Keep You Young

Cut Your Diabetes Risk

The "sunshine vitamin" may be a key factor in the fight against diabetes. A review published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people with high vitamin-D levels were less likely to develop type 2. Swallow 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day through dairy foods, fatty fish, or supplements.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/ways-cut-diabetes-risk/story?id=19053187

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Monday, April 29, 2013

DNA at 60: Still Much to Learn

On the diamond jubilee of the double helix, we should admit that we don't fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level


Image: Wikimedia Commons/Yikrazuul

This week's diamond jubilee of the discovery of DNA's molecular structure rightly celebrates how Francis Crick, James Watson and their collaborators launched the 'genomic age' by revealing how hereditary information is encoded in the double helix. Yet the conventional narrative ? in which their 1953 Nature paper led inexorably to the Human Genome Project and the dawn of personalized medicine ? is as misleading as the popular narrative of gene function itself, in which the DNA sequence is translated into proteins and ultimately into an organism's observable characteristics, or phenotype.

Sixty years on, the very definition of 'gene' is hotly debated. We do not know what most of our DNA does, nor how, or to what extent it governs traits. In other words, we do not fully understand how evolution works at the molecular level.

That sounds to me like an extraordinarily exciting state of affairs, comparable perhaps to the disruptive discovery in cosmology in 1998 that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating rather than decelerating, as astronomers had believed since the late 1920s. Yet, while specialists debate what the latest findings mean, the rhetoric of popular discussions of DNA, genomics and evolution remains largely unchanged, and the public continues to be fed assurances that DNA is as solipsistic a blueprint as ever.

The more complex picture now emerging raises difficult questions that this outsider knows he can barely discern. But I can tell that the usual tidy tale of how 'DNA makes RNA makes protein' is sanitized to the point of distortion. Instead of occasional, muted confessions from genomics boosters and popularizers of evolution that the story has turned out to be a little more complex, there should be a bolder admission ? indeed a celebration ? of the known unknowns.

DNA dispute
A student referring to textbook discussions of genetics and evolution could be forgiven for thinking that the 'central dogma' devised by Crick and others in the 1960s ? in which information flows in a linear, traceable fashion from DNA sequence to messenger RNA to protein, to manifest finally as phenotype ? remains the solid foundation of the genomic revolution. In fact, it is beginning to look more like a casualty of it.

Although it remains beyond serious doubt that Darwinian natural selection drives much, perhaps most, evolutionary change, it is often unclear at which phenotypic level selection operates, and particularly how it plays out at the molecular level.

Take the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, a public research consortium launched by the US National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. Starting in 2003, ENCODE researchers set out to map which parts of human chromosomes are transcribed, how transcription is regulated and how the process is affected by the way the DNA is packaged in the cell nucleus. Last year, the group revealed that there is much more to genome function than is encompassed in the roughly 1% of our DNA that contains some 20,000 protein-coding genes ? challenging the old idea that much of the genome is junk. At least 80% of the genome is transcribed into RNA.

Some geneticists and evolutionary biologists say that all this extra transcription may simply be noise, irrelevant to function and evolution. But, drawing on the fact that regulatory roles have been pinned to some of the non-coding RNA transcripts discovered in pilot projects, the ENCODE team argues that at least some of this transcription could provide a reservoir of molecules with regulatory functions ? in other words, a pool of potentially 'useful' variation. ENCODE researchers even propose, to the consternation of some, that the transcript should be considered the basic unit of inheritance, with 'gene' denoting not a piece of DNA but a higher-order concept pertaining to all the transcripts that contribute to a given phenotypic trait.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=22468e1a163e79ec52d768c51bb020a7

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Bombs kill 9 at offices of Pakistani politicians

PARACHINAR, Pakistan (AP) ? Pakistani police say two bomb blasts have killed nine supporters of two Pakistani politicians at their campaign offices in the country's northwest.

Police official Mujtaba Hussain says the first attack Sunday on the outskirts of Kohat city killed six people.

He says the politician, Syed Noor Akbar, is running as an independent candidate for a national assembly seat in general elections to be held on May 11.

Police officer Saifur Rehman says the second bomb killed three at the office of another independent candidate, Nasir Khan Afridi, also running for a national assembly seat, in the suburbs of Peshawar.

No one has claimed responsibility.

Police say Akbar belongs to Pakistan's minority Shiite Muslim sect, adding that this could have been a motive for the attack on him.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bombs-kill-9-offices-pakistani-politicians-075748886.html

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Closet Cooking: BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese
The National Grilled Cheese Month is coming to an end soon but I still have a few grilled cheese sandwiches up my sleeves including this tasty BBQ pulled pork grilled cheese! In my opinion it is hard to go wrong combining succulent pulled pork in a sweet, tangy and spicy BBQ sauce and then smothering it in ooey gooey melted cheese! BBQ pulled pork sandwiches are often served with the addition of a cool and creamy coleslaw right in the sandwich and I see nothing wrong with adding some to the grilled cheese version either, though it does make for a slightly messier sandwich. The next time you make some pulled pork, make a lot to ensure that you have some leftovers for these BBQ pulled pork grilled cheese sandwiches!

BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese
If you prefer, feel free to serve the coleslaw on the side; that way you can get even more BBQ pulled pork into the sandwich!

BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese

A grilled cheese sandwich full of succulent BBQ pulled pork smothered in melted cheese.

Servings: 1

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

Printable Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 slices bread
  • 2 slices cheddar (or 1/2 cup shredded)
  • 1/2 cup pulled pork, warm
  • 1 tablespoon BBQ sauce (or to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons coleslaw (optional)
  1. Heat a pan over medium heat.
  2. Butter one side of each slice of bread, place one slice in the pan with buttered side down, top with half of the cheese, the mixture of the pork and BBQ sauce, the coleslaw, the remaining cheese and finally the other slice of bread with buttered side up.
  3. Grill until golden brown on both sides and the cheese is melted, about 2-4 minutes per side.

Similar Recipes:
BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich with Slaw
Sloppy Joe Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Cuban Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Korean BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Vietnamese BBQ Pulled Pork Banh Mi
Salsa Verde Pulled Chicken Sandwich " + $("#body_6483765844833339382").html().substring($("#body_6483765844833339382").html().indexOf("Ingredients:")) ); $('#body_6483765844833339382 .zl_recipe_button').appendTo($("#zip_list_wrapper")); } else { $('#body_6483765844833339382 .zl_recipe_button').hide(); } '); } else if ($('a[rel=tag]:contains("Game Day Party Food eBook")').length > 0) { $('.recipe_title').first().before('Game Day Party Food Cover

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This recipe appears in the The Best of Closet Cooking 2013 eCookbook along with 24 more of the tastiest recipes on Closet Cooking in 2012. Get your copy of The Best of Closet Cooking 2013 for FREE now!

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This recipe appears in the The Best of Closet Cooking 2012 eCookbook along with 24 more of the tastiest recipes on Closet Cooking.

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Source: http://www.closetcooking.com/2013/04/bbq-pulled-pork-grilled-cheese.html

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Italy poised to final get new government

(AP) ? Italy appeared poised Saturday to finally get a new government, a broad coalition which brings media mogul Silvio Berlusconi's forces back to power, this time in tense alliance with center-left rivals.

Premier-designate Enrico Letta was summoned to an appointment (1300 GMT) with Italy's president, a development widely seen as indicating the center-left leader had succeeded in forming a government commanding strong support in Parliament.

However, it was possible Letta might also seek more time to knit together coalition agreements between archrival blocs.

Earlier, Berlusconi, who has three times served as premier, told reporters he believed a government would be formed though he would not be in the Cabinet being created by Letta.

Napolitano earlier in the week had tapped Letta to lead the latest bid to end the political deadlock that has gripped recession-mired Italy since inconclusive elections in February.

Viewed as a political bridge-builder, Letta is a nephew of a longtime Berlusconi adviser, Gianni Letta. The premier-designate met for two hours Saturday morning with Berlusconi as both sides hashed out Cabinet assignments.

The elections left the top vote-getter, Letta's Democratic Left party, badly fractured by infighting after it won control of the Chamber of Deputies but failed to do the same in the Senate. That result made runner-up Berlusconi a political kingmaker, since the center-left needs backing from his center-right bloc for a Parliamentary majority.

The third big bloc in Parliament, the anti-establishment 5 Star Movement, is led by comic Beppe Grillo, who ruled out any alliance with the largely sullied political class that has ruled Italy for decades.

Napolitano agreed to serve an unprecedented second term given the political instability.

Anxious financial markets and Italians fed up with joblessness and austerity spending cuts are counting on the next government to quickly roll out political and economic reforms.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-04-27-EU-Italy-Politics/id-d6c33d2ccf6242ca8b19af1ac1847017

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Leave Her Alone! Stars Defend Kim Kardashian?s Pregnancy Style

Celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow, Jenna Dewan-Tatum and Molly Sims react to critics of Kim Kardashian's maternity style and changing pregnant body.

Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/1KPZGqgjQoE/

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Evidence" of Syrian chemical weapon use not up to U.N. standard

By Anthony Deutsch

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Assertions of chemical weapon use in Syria by Western and Israeli officials citing photos, sporadic shelling and traces of toxins do not meet the standard of proof needed for a U.N. team of experts waiting to gather their own field evidence.

Weapons inspectors will only determine whether banned chemical agents were used in the two-year-old conflict if they are able to access sites and take soil, blood, urine or tissue samples and examine them in certified laboratories.

That type of evidence, needed to show definitively if banned chemicals were found, has not been presented by governments and intelligence agencies accusing Syria of using chemical weapons against insurgents.

"This is the only basis on which the OPCW would provide a formal assessment of whether chemical weapons have been used," Michael Luhan, a spokesman for the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said.

With Syria blocking the U.N. mission, it is unlikely they will gain that type of access any time soon.

The White House and Western diplomats at the U.N. said they believe Syria had "probably" fired chemical munitions, but failed to name the chemical in question.

The Israeli military this week suggested Syrian forces used sarin and showed reporters pictures of a body with symptoms indicating the nerve gas was the cause of death.

Ralf Trapp, an independent consultant on chemical and biological weapons control, said "there is a limit to what you can extract from photograph evidence alone. What you really need is to get information from on the ground, to gather physical evidence and to talk to witnesses as well as medical staff who treated victims."

The White House, which called the use of chemicals weapons in Syria a "red line" for possible military intervention, said its assessment was partly based on "physiological" samples. But a White House official speaking on condition of anonymity declined to detail the evidence. It is unclear who supplied it.

Even if samples were made available to the OPCW by those making the assertions, the organization could not use them.

"The OPCW would never get involved in testing samples that our own inspectors don't gather in the field, because we need to maintain chain of custody of samples from the field to the lab to ensure their integrity," said Luhan.

Established to enforce the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which bans the use of toxic agents in warfare, the OPCW has exhaustive rules on how inspectors collect and handle evidence, starting with the sealing of a site like a crime scene.

Multiple samples must be taken and there need to be "blank" samples from unexposed matter and tissue, to set a baseline against which levels of contamination could be determined.

The samples would be split, sealed and flown in dark, cooled air transports to up to three certified laboratories, including one at the OPCW's headquarters in The Hague.

A team of 15 experts, put together in response to a request from U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to investigate the claims, has been on standby in Cyprus for nearly three weeks.

Headed by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, it includes analytical chemists and World Health Organization experts on the medical effects of exposure to toxins.

(Reporting By Anthony Deutsch; Editing by Giles Elgood)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/evidence-syrian-chemical-weapon-not-u-n-standard-151206262.html

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Global Traveler announces inaugural Leisure Travel Award winners

Global Traveler announces inaugural Leisure Travel Award winners(Forimmediaterelease.net) YARDLEY, Pennsylvania - The results are in! For the first time, Global
Traveler announces the winners of the Leisure Travel Awards. The awards ran online May?December 2012 and were voted on by the readers of Global Traveler, the only monthly magazine written for business and luxury travelers.

The readers of Global Traveler are intrepid business travelers, but, according to the magazine?s most recent MediaMark Research survey, they are also frequent leisure travelers, averaging three international and six domestic leisure trips per year.

The awards were announced April 15, in the magazine?s first-ever Leisure Lifestyle Book, a special edition to Global Traveler?s monthly issue. The book also includes articles on 5-star, all-inclusive resorts, signature cocktails, restaurant and hotel rankings, indigenous spa treatments, and butler service.

This year's roster of inaugural winners includes Turkey (Best Historical Attractions), New Zealand (Best Hiking Destination), Silversea Cruises (Best Small Ship Cruise Line), InterContinental Resort&Thalasso Spa, Bora Bora (Best Resort in Asia and the Pacific), Hilton Seychelles Labriz Resort&Spa (Best Resort in Africa), Kaua?i (Best Island in the United States and Canada) and Capri (Best Island in Europe).

?We are excited to announce the first annual Leisure Travel Awards, in conjunction with our new Leisure Lifestyle Book,? said Francis X. Gallagher, publisher and CEO of Global Traveler. ?Our readers are traveling all the time ? for business and pleasure. Nearly all we do recognizes the business travel segment, and we realized it is important to recognize, honor, and highlight leisure travel. Our knowledgeable readers are frequenting these winners ? the very best cruise lines, resorts, and destinations for leisure travel.?

A complete list of winners is as follows:

- est Spa: The Peninsula Bangkok
- Best Shopping: Hong Kong
- Best Natural Attractions: Australia
- Best Historical Attractions: Turkey
- Best Skiing: Switzerland
- Best Beach Destination: British Virgin Islands
- Best Adventure Travel Destination: Australia
- Best Safari Destination: South Africa
- Best Hiking Destination: New Zealand
- Best Small Ship Cruise Line: Silversea Cruises
- Best Large Ship Cruise Line: Celebrity Cruises
- Best River Cruise Line: Viking River Cruises
- Best Resort in the United States and Canada: The Phoenician
- Best Resort in Hawaii: Hilton Hawaiian Village&Waikiki Beach Resort
- Best Resort in the Caribbean: Four Seasons Resort Nevis
- Best Resort in South America: The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago
- Best Resort in Mexico: Hilton Los Cabos Beach&Golf Resort
- Best Resort in Asia and the Pacific: InterContinental Resort&Thalasso Spa,
Bora Bora
- Best Resort in Europe: The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort
- Best Resort in Africa: Hilton Seychelles Labriz Resort&Spa
- Best Resort in the Middle East: Emirates Palace
- Best Luxury Tour Operator: Abercrombie&Kent
- Best Island in the United States and Canada: Kaua?i, Hawai?i
- Best Island in the Caribbean: Saint Lucia
- Best Island in Mexico and Central/South America: Galapagos
- Best Island in Australia and the South Pacific: Bora Bora
- Best Island in Europe: Capri
- Best Island in Asia and Africa: Bali


Global Traveler, the only ABC-audited U.S.-based magazine for the international
business traveler, is a business travel and lifestyle publication with an ABC paid circulation of 107,140+. FXExpress Publications, Inc., based in Yardley, Pennsylvania, is a privately-held company publishing Global Traveler, eFlyer USA; eFlyer Asia and several annuals; and also operating www.globaltravelerusa.com , www.globaltravellerasia.com
and www.globaltravelerusa.com/blog .

MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Krol, tel 267 364 5811, ext. 202, kim.krol@globaltravelerusa.com

Source: http://www.forimmediaterelease.net/pm/8722.html

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White House hedges on 'red line'

President Barack Obama during his meeting Friday with King Abdullah II of Jordan. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP???A whole bunch,? meet ?systematic.? President Barack Obama's cautious stance on the conflict in Syria shone clearly Friday as he warned President Bashar Assad that ?the systematic use? of chemical weapons against Syrian rebels would trigger a forceful American response.

Back in August, Obama bluntly warned Assad?s regime that while he had not ?at this point? ordered an American military response to Syria's civil war, ?a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized."

When it comes to chemical weapons, what is "a whole bunch"? What does "systematic" mean? The White House has carefully refused to define either term precisely, keeping the president's options open. Republicans have called for a far more forceful U.S. role in Syria, notably by arming the rebels and establishing "safe zones" to protect the opposition or Syrians fleeing the fighting.

In 2008, Obama used his opposition to the Iraq war?and Hillary Clinton?s initial support for it?as a potent weapon to capture the Democratic presidential nomination. The flawed case for toppling Saddam Hussein looms large now as the president wrestles with the U.S. response to signs that Assad?s iron-fisted regime used chemical weapons in Syria?s two-year civil war. The conflict has claimed the lives of an estimated 70,000 people.

?I think all of us, not just in the United States but around the world, recognize how we cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,? Obama said as he met Friday in the Oval Office with King Abdullah II of Jordan.

The president?s comments came a day after Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and the White House revealed that U.S. intelligence believed Assad had used chemical weapons, specifically the deadly nerve agent sarin, against opposition forces in the country's ongoing civil war.

On Thursday, the White House disclosed that "our intelligence community does assess with varying degrees of confidence" that Assad's regime had used sarin. But top officials?from Hagel on down?warned that those findings did not mean that Assad had now crossed Obama's "red line" or that American military action might be imminent. Instead, they said Washington will now work with its allies, Syria's opposition and the United Nations to build what one top Obama aide called an ?airtight? case.

"These are preliminary assessments; they?re based on our intelligence gathering. We have varying degrees of confidence about the actual use, but there are a range of questions around how, when, where these weapons may have been used," Obama said Friday, vowing "to make sure that we are investigating this as effectively and as quickly as we can."

"But I meant what I?d said, and I will repeat," he said. "Horrific as it is when mortars are being fired on civilians and people are being indiscriminately killed, to use potential weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations crosses another line with respect to international norms and international law. And that is going to be a game changer."

"We have to act prudently. We have to make these assessments deliberately. But I think all of us, not just in the United States but around the world, recognize how we cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations," he said.

Just how big a factor is the March 2003 invasion of Iraq? A senior Obama aide, briefing reporters Thursday on a conference call arranged by the White House, made repeated references to it as a reason to tread cautiously.

?I?d say that given our own history with intelligence assessments, including intelligence assessments related to weapons of mass destruction, it?s very important that we are able to establish this with certainty and that we are able to present information that is airtight in a public and credible fashion," he said. "That is, I think, the threshold that is demanded."

White House press secretary Jay Carney sharply rejected any notion that Obama might show more "leniency" on weapons of mass destruction because of the Iraq War. "Absolutely not," he told reporters at his Friday briefing.

"The fact is that we do have some evidence and we need to build on that," Carney said. "The precedent you cite I think is a significant one, and it simply stands to reason that the assessments that we make, the intelligence community makes, are extraordinarily valuable, and they do excellent work, but they are building blocks towards a broader objective here, which is the accumulation of concrete evidence?evidence that can be corroborated, evidence that can be presented and reviewed and then acted on if the conclusion is that a red line has been crossed."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/iraq-looms-large-wary-obama-warns-syria-over-201513845.html

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Universes Premieres ?Spring Training? - Triangle Arts and ...

PlayMakers Repertory Company and Carolina Performing Arts will present the world premiere of Spring Training, written and performed by Universes of New York City, under the direction of Chay Yew, on April 24-28 in the Elizabeth Price Kenan Theatre in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?s Center for Dramatic Art as part of PlayMakers? PRC2 second-stage series. Universes includes Gamal Abdel Chasten, William Ruiz, Mildred Ruiz-Sapp, and Steven Sapp

According to PlayMakers Rep:

?Spring Training has been specially commissioned by PlayMakers and Carolina Performing Arts as part of ?The Rite of Spring at 100? project celebrating the classic ballet?s 2013 centennial.

?PlayMakers, the professional-theater-in-residence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, concludes its 2012-2013 PRC2 second-stage series with the production. PRC2 features innovative, topical plays coupled with engaging post-show discussions with the creative artists and other panelists following each performance?.

?In Spring Training, Universes uses ?The Rite of Spring? as a springboard to deconstruct rites of passage. The group will bring their unique talents to an exploration of Stravinsky?s groundbreaking composition and create a daring 21st century soundtrack on ritual and revolution, breaking cultural barriers anew.

?Universes is known for being eloquent, edgy, and entertaining. The Los Angeles Times wrote of the New York-based ensemble, ?These performers are fierce, funny and bitingly intelligent.? The Boston Globe called Universes ?a headlong explosion of poetry, percussion and multi-culti musical exploration that absolutely demands to be seen.?

?The Triangle?s Indy Week (formerly The Independent Weekly) gave Universes? 2007 show at PlayMakers a rave review, saying these are ?folks you?ve got to see and (particularly) hear? with ?intricate rhythms and intricate stories, told by artists ? as adept at polyrhythmic musical composition as they are at acting.?

?CVNC [formerly Classical Voice of North Carolina] called the troupe?s last PlayMakers? appearance (The Big Bang, 2010) ?some of the most exciting music ever created a cappella ?. [Universes] simply pours power and passion from the stage ?. Hip-hop or not this group will entertain you.?

?The group recently was honored as one of five finalists for the first Kennedy Theater Prize, the new $100,000 theater award established in honor of Senator Edward M. Kennedy and his interest in American history. One of the theater?s most lucrative prizes, it was established in September by Kennedy?s sister Jean Kennedy Smith, with the assistance of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner?.

?PlayMakers is based in UNC?s College of Arts and Sciences. The Drama League of New York has named PlayMakers one of the best regional theaters in America and Indy Week calls PlayMakers the best live theater company in the Triangle.?

SECOND OPINION: April 23rd Chapel Hill, NC Daily Tar Heel preview by Lauren Clark: http://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2013/04/spring-training-turns-stravinsky-piece-on-its-head.

PlayMakers Repertory Company presents SPRING TRAINING, a world premiere by Universes at 7:30 p.m. April 25-27 and 2 and 7:30 p.m. April 28 in the Elizabeth Price Kenan Theatre in the Center for Dramatic Art, 120 Country Club Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514, on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.

TICKETS: $15-$40 ($10 UNC students and $12 other students).

BOX OFFICE: 919-962-PLAY or http://www.playmakersrep.org/tickets/.

GROUP RATES (10+ tickets): 919-843-2311, gerdts@email.unc.edu, or http://www.playmakersrep.org/tickets/groupsales.aspx.

SHOW: http://www.playmakersrep.org/springtraining.

VIDEO PREVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aZWKbKXhZoo.

NEWS RELEASE: http://uncnews.unc.edu/content/view/5979/66/.


PlayMakers Repertory Company: http://www.playmakersrep.org/.

Carolina Performing Arts: https://www.carolinaperformingarts.org/.

BLOG (PlayMakersPage to Stage): http://playmakersrep.blogspot.com/.

VENUE: http://www.playmakersrep.org/aboutus/kenan.

DIRECTIONS: http://www.playmakersrep.org/visitorinfo.

PARKING: http://playmakersrep.org/visitorinfo/currentparking.


Spring Training (play): http://www.universesonstage.com/page11/page49/index.html (official web page).

Universes (poet-performers): http://www.universesonstage.com/ (official website) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universes_%28poetic_theatre_ensemble%29 (Wikipedia).

Chay Yew (director): http://www.victorygardens.org/about/chayyewbio.php (Victory Gardens Theater bio) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chay_Yew (Wikipedia).

?The Rite of Spring at 100? https://www.theriteofspringat100.org/ (official website).


Robert W. McDowell is editor and publisher of Triangle Review, a FREE weekly e-mail arts newsletter. This preview is reprinted with permission from Triangle Review.

To start your FREE subscription to Triangle Review, e-mail RobertM748@aol.com and type SUBSCRIBE TR in the Subject: line.

To read all of Robert W. McDowell?s Triangle Review previews and reviews online at Triangle Arts & Entertainment, click http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/author/robert-w-mcdowell/

Tagged as: Carolina Performing Arts, Chay Yew, PlayMakers Rep, PlayMakers Repertory Company, PRC, Spring Training, Universes

Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/2013/04/universes-premieres-spring-training-at-playmakers-rep/

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Bombing suspect reportedly a fan of al-Qaida magazine and Alex Jones website

(Adds later picks) NEW YORK, April 25 (Reuters) - Selections in the first roundof the 2013 NFL Draft at Radio City Music Hall on Thursday (picknumber, NFL team, player, position, college): 1-Kansas City, Eric Fisher, offensive tackle, Central Michigan 2-Jacksonville, Luke Joeckel, offensive tackle, Texas A&M 3-Miami (from Oakland), Dion Jordan, defensive tackle, Oregon 4-Philadelphia, Lane Johnson, offensive tackle, Oklahoma 5-Detroit, Ezekiel Ansah, defensive end, Brigham Young 6-Cleveland, Barkevious Mingo, linebacker, LSU 7-Arizona, Jonathan Cooper, guard, North Carolina 8-St. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/tamerlan-reportedly-fan-al-qaida-magazine-alex-jones-154044213.html

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Don Omar is top winner at Billboard Latin awards

CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) ? Reggaeton star Don Omar was the top winner of the Billboard Latin Music Awards, though the bigger star of the show might have been the one who wasn't there: The late Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera.

Don Omar took home 10 prizes at the annual show Thursday honoring Spanish-language songs and performers. Rivera won six prizes, including artist of the year. The California-born superstar was killed in a plane accident last year in Mexico.

The show paid homage to Rivera with a tribute that included clips from live performances and her reality television show. Her brother Juan Rivera sang his sister's song "No Llega el Olvido" accompanied by a mariachi band.

"You are my diva," Rivera's father, Pedro Rivera, said in accepting the prizes. "May God bless you, my daughter."

Rivera sold more than 15 million copies of her 12 major-label albums during her career, which was cut short in December in a crash that killed her and six other people. She was born in Los Angeles and started her career by selling cassette tapes at flea markets. She went on to become adored by millions on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border drawn to her soulful singing and honest portrayal of her tumultuous personal life.

"We know she continues living in our hearts and through music," Rosa Saavedra, her mother, said.

The audience gave a standing ovation, many with tears in their eyes.

Mexican singing legend Jose Jose received the lifetime achievement award and Italian operatic singers Il Volo performed a moving rendition of his song "El Triste."

"Bless the Lord because he has converted me into a friend and accomplice of many couples, many hearts, and many marvelous souls who fall in love, and who suffer because of love," Jose Jose said in accepting the prize.

Other winners included bachata star Romeo Santos, who won three awards, including album of the year for "Formula: Vol. 1." He dedicated his prizes to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings and to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Santos sang a duet with Juan Luis Guerra that drew cries and screams from fans in the audience.

Salsa singer Marc Anthony, rock group Mana and Colombian pop artist Carlos Vives, who is making a comeback with his first album in eight years, also performed during the three-hour show, which was broadcast live on Telemundo.

Shakira, La Arrolladora Banda el Limon de Rene Camacho, and Natty Natasha took home three prizes each.

Latin music is starting to bounce back after a big dip in album sales during the recession. The rebound is thanks in large part to the growing Hispanic demographic in the U.S. and the rise of digital sales through online and cell phone services and subscriptions.

"Digital is over half our sales right now, and it continues to grow fast for Latin music," said Skander Goucha, senior vice president for Universal Music Latin Entertainment.

The awards show followed several days of panels and performances during the Billboard Latin Music Conference, a gathering of industry artists and professionals. This year's conference featured Uruguayan singer Jorge Drexler, who presented a mobile phone app that allows users to compose new songs using his lyrics and voice. Gloria Estefan also sat down for an extended interview in which she discussed her career and shared advice with aspiring artists.

"Stick to your guns," she said. "When one door closes, find another way to do what you want to do."


Follow Christine Armario on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/cearmario

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/don-omar-top-winner-billboard-latin-awards-030117236.html

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Depop Is Another Flea Market For iOS But Also Has Sights Firmly Set On Etsy

DepopSnap a photo of the item you want to sell, write a short description, and set a price. Sounds familiar, right? After soft-launching in Italy where it was incubated, Depop gets its official launch today with an iOS app that, at first glance, is the spitting image of other "flea market" mobile apps. However, the company says that its ultimate competitor is probably Ebay, while it also has vintage design and craft-oriented marketplace Etsy firmly in its sights.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/uVSnxuKo9TQ/

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Zions, other banks teach personal finance to Utah kids | The Salt ...

(Steve Griffin | The Salt Lake Tribune) Zions Bank CEO Harris Simmons works with fourth-graders in Paul Mulder's class at Guadalupe School in Salt Lake City Monday April 22, 2013. The banking executive visited the school to teach students about financial literacy Monday April 22, 2013.

Personal finance ? Some say required class is failing; others say it?s way too soon for a verdict.

Buying a new bottle of water every day versus refilling a container from the drinking fountain. Purchasing a new pair of jeans versus waiting until a current pair wears out.

In each scenario that Zions Bancorporation President and CEO Harris Simmons threw out to fourth-graders at Salt Lake City?s Guadalupe School, 10-year-old Audrey Palestino consistently chose the frugal option.

That is, until she had to decide between buying the next volume in the Lemony Snicket series or waiting until a library copy became available.

"That?s a need," she said.

Distinguishing between needs and wants is a lesson Simmons and thousands of volunteers from various banks and credit unions have been teaching in classrooms and after-school programs across the state as part of Financial Literacy Month.

In a state known for high rates of foreclosures, bankruptcy filings and scams, Utah leaders have targeted financial literacy ? helping students learn how to save, budget and prevent debt ? as a public policy goal. In 2008, the Utah State Office of Education developed an online curriculum to help teachers teach about money management and lawmakers made passing a half-semester financial literacy course a requirement for high school graduation. This year, legislators passed Senate Bill 43, which creates a task force to study how to improve that high school class.

It?s all a good start, but it?s not enough, says Brian Nelson Ford, a personal finance consultant and author of The 8 Pillars of Financial Greatness.

"I think we?re trending in the right direction, but we?re not where we need to be," Ford said.

Ford said many children form their spending habits and patterns well before high school. And while teachers may be well-meaning, they often don?t know enough about money management themselves.

"We need teachers who are a little more passionate and better trained in personal finance," he said. "We need to move away from ?textbook? personal finance and toward ?real world? personal finance."

story continues below

State Sen. Pat Jones, D-Cottonwood Heights, agrees. This is why she sponsored SB 43 to assess what?s working and what?s not.

"A lot of people are going online and giving us feedback like, ?it?s a waste of time? and ?it?s not meaningful?," she said. "It?s too hit and miss right now."

But that kind of evaluation is purely anecdotal at this point. Julie Felshaw, financial education specialist at the Utah State Office of Education, says the first group of students required to take the financial literacy class has only been out in the world for five years and the Legislature didn?t fund any kind of ongoing assessment.

"It?s going to be 15 to 20 years before we learn the impact of financial literacy classes," she said.

As far as teacher training, Felshaw says the state office does offer resources to boost teacher proficiency in personal finance, including an online course to help educators talk about money to various age groups. It also offers summer workshops to review standards and objectives. She said these resources are available but optional, and attendance is in the 50 to 60 percent range.

"We encourage them to attend, but in fairness to teachers, they?ve got a pretty full plate and a lot are not just teaching [personal finance]," she said.

Zions Bank?s Simmons added that while financial literacy in the classroom is very important, lessons about money should largely take place in homes.

"It?s something that parents can do," Simmons said. "Too often we rely on schools to do all of this. This is something that all of us as parents need to be teaching our kids."


Twitter: @jnpearce

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/56198388-79/financial-http-utah-literacy.html.csp

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Reese Witherspoon's Mug Shot Pose Explained

There's something strange about Reese Witherspoon's mug shot -- besides the fact that it exists in the first place. After being arrested for disorderly conduct in Atlanta, the actress, who has admitted to having "one drink too many," posed for the obligatory photo. Her husband Jim Toth, who was arrested for DUI, stares straight ahead in his photo. But Reese isn't even looking at the camera. Isn't that a little odd?

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/reese-witherspoons-mug-shot-pose-explained/1-a-534221?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Areese-witherspoons-mug-shot-pose-explained-534221

Washington Election Results drudge report Presidential Election 2012 Incumbent politico Tammy Baldwin house of representatives

Skype launches BlackBerry 10 preview, but only for Q10 owners at first

Skype preview launches for BlackBerry 10, but only for Q10 owners at first

For all the hullabaloo about Skype coming to BlackBerry 10, there wasn't much to show at the Z10's launch beyond a logo. We've got more to work with today -- sort of. A preview version of Skype has indeed popped up in BlackBerry World with voice, video and instant messaging like we've seen on other platforms. However, no one in the general public can actually use it yet: the app requires BlackBerry 10.1, which won't reach the market until the Q10 ships to Brits and Canucks. That leaves Americans and Z10 owners in the lurch for a few weeks, although they can at least see the light at the end of the VoIP tunnel.

Filed under: , , ,


Via: MobileSyrup

Source: BlackBerry World

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/24/skype-launches-blackberry-10-preview/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

Election 2012 Results polling place comedy central philadelphia eagles obamacare Todd Akin Register To Vote

Communication scholars seek advances in media neuroscience

Communication scholars seek advances in media neuroscience [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Apr-2013
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Contact: John Paul Gutierrez
International Communication Association

Key research to be presented at the 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference

Washington DC (April 24, 2013) Scholars in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) have founded the Media Neuroscience Lab, one of a small but growing number of research groups attempting to understand the use and influence of media technologies by utilizing innovative techniques from cognitive neuroscience. In light of President Obama's recently-announced BRAIN Initiative, these researchers hope to highlight the important contributions to the social sciences which can be made through studying the brain.

The Media Neuroscience Lab, led by Ren Weber, Ph.D., M.D., Chair of the Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA), studies a range of media-related topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. Current lines of study include the impact of media violence on society, understanding the neuroscience of persuasion in order to craft more effective public service announcements, examining the cognitive and behavioral effects of video games and other interactive computer-mediated environments, and observing the ways that mass-media narratives are designed to appeal to fundamental moral intuitions.

This type of research is increasingly influential in social science generally and the field of communication in particular. Communication researchers will meet this summer to exchange their findings at the first-ever Preconference on Evolution, Biology, and Brains, which will precede the 2013 Conference of the International Communication Association in June. Presenters are scheduled to include members of the Media Neuroscience Lab, the University of Michigan's Communication Neuroscience Lab, and dozens of other scholars from five different nations.

In addition to faculty members from UCSB's Department of Communication, the Media Neuroscience Lab also includes affiliated researchers from the UCSB Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, as well as other universities around the world.


For more information about the Media Neuroscience Lab, contact Ren Weber [renew@comm.ucsb.edu; phone +1-805-893-2156] or visit the lab website at http://medianeuroscience.org.

To cover the 63rd Annual International Communication Conference, June 17-21, London Metropole Hotel, London, England, please contact John Paul Gutierrez at jpgutierrez@icahdq.org.

About ICA

The International Communication Association is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. With more than 4,300 members in 80 countries, ICA includes 26 divisions and interest groups and publishes the Communication Yearbook and five major, peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, Communication, Culture & Critique, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. For more information, visit http://www.icahdq.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Communication scholars seek advances in media neuroscience [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Apr-2013
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Contact: John Paul Gutierrez
International Communication Association

Key research to be presented at the 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference

Washington DC (April 24, 2013) Scholars in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) have founded the Media Neuroscience Lab, one of a small but growing number of research groups attempting to understand the use and influence of media technologies by utilizing innovative techniques from cognitive neuroscience. In light of President Obama's recently-announced BRAIN Initiative, these researchers hope to highlight the important contributions to the social sciences which can be made through studying the brain.

The Media Neuroscience Lab, led by Ren Weber, Ph.D., M.D., Chair of the Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA), studies a range of media-related topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. Current lines of study include the impact of media violence on society, understanding the neuroscience of persuasion in order to craft more effective public service announcements, examining the cognitive and behavioral effects of video games and other interactive computer-mediated environments, and observing the ways that mass-media narratives are designed to appeal to fundamental moral intuitions.

This type of research is increasingly influential in social science generally and the field of communication in particular. Communication researchers will meet this summer to exchange their findings at the first-ever Preconference on Evolution, Biology, and Brains, which will precede the 2013 Conference of the International Communication Association in June. Presenters are scheduled to include members of the Media Neuroscience Lab, the University of Michigan's Communication Neuroscience Lab, and dozens of other scholars from five different nations.

In addition to faculty members from UCSB's Department of Communication, the Media Neuroscience Lab also includes affiliated researchers from the UCSB Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, as well as other universities around the world.


For more information about the Media Neuroscience Lab, contact Ren Weber [renew@comm.ucsb.edu; phone +1-805-893-2156] or visit the lab website at http://medianeuroscience.org.

To cover the 63rd Annual International Communication Conference, June 17-21, London Metropole Hotel, London, England, please contact John Paul Gutierrez at jpgutierrez@icahdq.org.

About ICA

The International Communication Association is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. With more than 4,300 members in 80 countries, ICA includes 26 divisions and interest groups and publishes the Communication Yearbook and five major, peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Human Communication Research, Communication, Culture & Critique, and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. For more information, visit http://www.icahdq.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/ica-css042413.php

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'The Voice' Recap: Bruno Mars Leads 'Feel-Good' Night Of Battles

Kris Thomas and Ryan Innes make it through and Usher and Adam Levine score with steals.
By Natasha Chandel

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1706168/the-voice-recap-bruno-mars.jhtml

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PFT: Fluker claims hack after tweet about benefits

BermanGetty Images

With the draft approaching, the now-annual debate has emerged regarding whether the networks that broadcast the proceedings ? ESPN and NFL Network ? should avoid tipping picks.

It?s a philosophical question that both networks should resolve by asking this simple question:? What does the audience want?

Last year, a poll on PFT revealed that more than 78 percent of the 11,500 who responded don?t want the picks to be tipped.? We?re starting that same poll from scratch below, in order to get a fresh reading.

The challenge for the networks comes from the unique nature of the draft.? While on one hand ESPN and NFLN have hired a small army of news gatherers, the draft represents pro football?s equivalent of the Oscars.? And for the same reasons that audience doesn?t want George Stephanopoulous scurrying around trying to find out what it written inside the envelopes, the NFL draft audience doesn?t want to know whose name is one the card in the hands of the Commissioner until the Commissioner announces its contents from the stage at Radio City Music Hall.

The wishes of the audience apply both to reporting picks and predicting them.? While ESPN producer Seth Markman continues to insist that the advance information regarding the identity of each pick that makes its way to the production truck isn?t shared with the on-air talent, anyone who has worked in live television knows that good producers want to give their on-air talent the best possible information so that the on-air talent can be prepared to say intelligent things.? So if Markman is a good producer (and we assume he is), Markman presses his ?all call? button and lets the guys at the desk know who they will be talking about.

And then Chris Berman often feels compelled to create the false impression with the audience that he is clairvoyant.

Even if Berman somehow is merely guessing, he guesses right often enough to undermine the audience experience.? Which is what this all comes back to.? Networks that care about the audience give the audience what the audience wants.? Networks that care only about the network give the audience what the network thinks the audience should want.

When it comes to the first round of the draft, the audience doesn?t want to know who the pick will be, via a tip or a guess or a camera placed in the player?s home, before the Commissioner announces it.? The sooner ESPN and NFLN figure that out and act accordingly, the more enjoyable the draft will be for those watching it on television.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/04/23/d-j-fluker-claims-hacking-after-tweet-about-money-from-agents/related/

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Dezeen Jobs: latest design and architecture jobs update

Dezeen Jobs: latest jobs update

Scroll on for all the latest from our recruitment site?Dezeen Jobs, including positions with Project Orange?(whose 192 Shoreham Street?extension is?pictured above), Hayes Davidson and Camron PR, plus this is the last chance to apply for roles with Wilkinson Eyre, UNStudio, Tommy Hilfiger and more...

Project Orange is looking for an interior architect/designer to join its team in London. More ?

Russell Sage Studio is looking for interior designers to join its team in London. More ?

London PR agency Camron PR is offering a digital media internship. More ?

Urban Sense Consultant Architects requires both Part I and Part II architectural assistants to join its studio in London. More ?

Urban Sense Consultant Architects is looking for a project architect. More ?

Architectural firm Spacelab seeks an interior architect/designer to join its team in London. More ?

Karakusevic Carson Architects is looking for architects and Part II assistants to work at its studio in London. More ?

HKR Architects requires a project architect to work at its London office.?More ?

HKR Architects is looking for a Revit user to join its team in London. More ?

Creative and production agency Bureau Betak is looking for a designer/scenographer to join its team in Paris. More ?

Architecture studio Moreno Masey is looking for Part I and Part II architectural assistants to join its team in London. More ?

Interior design studio designLSM is looking for a number of interior designers to join its team in Brighton, UK. More ?

Product design consultancy D2M is looking for a middleweight designer to join its team in Cheltenham, UK. More ?

Audio visual installation company Philharmonic AV is looking for a junior AV systems designer to work in Canterbury. More ?

London visualisation studio Hayes Davidson is seeking a 3D artist. More ?

SUSD seeks an architect to join its architectural and development consultancy in London. More ?

Bernd Gruber is looking for an interior architect to join its team in Kitzb?hel, Austria. More ?

London design studio Zak Group seeks a studio manager. More ?

Maccreanor Lavington seeks a Revit/CAD manager to work at its London architecture practice. More ?

Maccreanor Lavington is seeking a landscape architect to work at its architecture studio in London. More ?

London architecture studio Maccreanor Lavington is looking for architects/architectural assistants. More ?

London interior design studio March & White is looking for a senior super-yacht interior designer. More ?

March & White requires a middleweight super-yacht interior designer to join its interior design studio in London. More ?

Hackney Council is looking for professionals with varying expertise to form a new Design Review Panel for Hackney, London. More ?

Nico Warr Architects is offering a three month architectural internship in London. More ?

Sharp Laboratories of Europe is offering the chance to win an internship at its research and development office in Oxford, UK. More ?

Studio Tom?s Saraceno requires a full-time freelance architect/engineer to join its team in Berlin. More ?

Multi-disciplinary studio JKR is looking for a 3D designer to join its team in London. More ?

Property development firm London West One is offering a three month interior design/architectural internship in London. More ?

Interior design office Cardenes Studio is looking for a CAD interior architect to work in London. More ?

Property development firm London West One is looking for an assistant architectural interior designer/architect to work in London. More ?

Landscape architecture and design studio JencksSquared requires an architectural designer to work in London. More ?

Neil Dusheiko Architects is looking for a Part II architectural assistant to join its practice in London. More ?

Furniture manufacturer Modus is offering a design internship at their headquarters in Somerset, UK. More ?

Job of the week!

Studio Tom?s Saraceno is looking for a full-time freelancer with a background in architecture to join its team in Berlin. More ?

Last chance!

Wilkinson Eyre Architects is seeking a graphic designer to join its team in London. More ?

UNStudio seeks a business development manager to work at its architectural design studio in Shanghai, China. More ?

Fashion brand Tommy Hilfiger requires a retail project manager (store development) to work in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More ?

Online design and architecture magazine Dezeen is looking for a temporary event manager to work in London. More ?

Creative direction and interior architecture and design company Tara Bernerd & Partners is looking for a CGI artist/visualiser to work in London. More ?

London design consultancy HMKM is looking for two senior creative interior designers to join its team. More ?

Design consultancy Conran Contracts is seeking a contracts consultant to work in London. More ?

B&R Interiors is looking for interior designers and architects to work in London. More ?

Architecture studio Cottrell & Vermeulen Architecture is looking for a Part II architectural assistant/Part III architect to work in London. More ?

Architectural firm Base Associates is looking for Part II architectural assistants to work in London. More ?

Situ Studio is offering a research internship at its architecture studio in Brooklyn, USA. More ?

Shoe designer Tracey Neuls is looking for a shop manager to work in London. More ?

Leisure design company Tibbatts Abel requires an interior designer to work in Birmingham, UK. More ?

Mecanoo Architects is seeking a public relations coordinator to join its team in Delft, the Netherlands. More ?

John Robertson Architects seeks Part II architectural assistants and Part III architects to work in London. More ?

ARCH JS is looking for an architect to join its architecture practice in Kuwait. More ?

Architecture and design firm ARCH JS is looking for an interior designer to work in Kuwait. More ?

Multidisciplinary studio Tekuchi is seeking a senior/middleweight CGI artist/visualiser to work in London and Singapore. More ?

Studio Egret West is looking for architectural assistants and technically minded architects/assistants to work in London. More ?

Architecture and design studio Minax seeks an architect to work in Shanghai, China. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is offering five PhD fellowships in habitation, sustainability and transformation in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is offering a PhD fellowship position in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is looking for an assistant professor in habitation to work in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is offering an assistant/associate professorship in design in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Resource studio Materials Lab is looking for a part time projects and materials coordinator to work in London. More ?

Giles Miller Studio seeks technician/laser cutting assistant to work in London. More ?

Phoenix Design is looking for a product designer with with experience in capital goods design to work in Stuttgart, Germany. More ?

Design studio Hirsch Bedner Associates is looking for middleweight and senior interior designers to work in Singapore. More ?

Pitfield requires a store manager to work at its interiors and lifestyle shop in London. More ?

Interiors retailer Pitfield is seeking a sales assistant to work in London. More ?

Tom Stuart-Smith requires a senior lanscape designer at its landscape design studio in London. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is offering an associate professorship in habitation in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is looking for a professor that specialises in sustainable architecture to work in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

Aarhus School of Architecture is looking for a professor that specialises in research through design in Aarhus, Denmark. More ?

John Smart Architects is seeking Part II, III and project architects work in London. More ?

Fraser Brown MacKenna Architects requires a receptionist/admin assistant to work in London. More ?

Cheil Worldwide is looking for a senior retail designer to join its advertising agency in Munich, Germany. More ?

International design consultancy i-am associates seeks junior interior designers and is also offering an interior design internship at its London studio. More ?

Design consultancy i-am associates is looking for middleweight interior designers to work at its London studio. More ?

Design studio BuroCreative is looking for a part time bookkeeper and office administrator to join its team in London. More ?

Amsterdam design studio UXUS requires a retail designer. More ?

Design agency UXUS is looking for a retail project manager to join its Amsterdam office. More ?

Owen Architects seeks Part II architectural assistants or architectural technicians to join its London studio. More ?

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Source: http://www.dezeen.com/2013/04/22/jobs-update/

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